Monday, June 30, 2014

Sunny Sundays

I have been reading many books on life, raising children and generally being happy.  Clearly I am a work in progress!

So many messages are saying stop the glorification of busy!  It's so true.  It's not cool to be busy, so let's stop making it seem that way!

The lessons I am learning are enjoy the simple times, make things less stressful and simpler.  While that can't happen every day, it's something to strive to have moments that are simple!

Yesterday was one of those days.  And really it was a whole day of simple!  It was one of my most favourite days in a very long time!

We lazily got up and around in the morning, snuggled on the couch to watch a movie and then made a wonderful breakfast of pancakes, bacon and fruit!  Delicious!

Our only plan for the day was to go to the lake to enjoy the plus 30 degrees Celsius temps (that's around 86 degrees Fahrenheit).

We piled in the truck, rolled down the windows and turned up the music!  Liam got a little embarrassed that everyone could hear our music which of course made me so happy!  I look forward to the days I can embarrass my children!!  Not bad embarrassing but fun!!

Then Rhys turned into our little puppy!

I have decided that this year I am going to swim more with my kids.  Now I haven't really ever been shy about going for a swim.  In my opinion the only reason to be pool/lake/beach side is to swim.  I don't like to just sit and sweat (which sadly I do!), I like to do activities.

However, sometimes I do just sit.  I end up doing something else or I just say no when my kids ask.  Not this summer!  Jill is saying yes!

Here is Alex and I doing our best dives! haha!

The boys wanted to fish.....Rhys just looks so cute and slightly like a little old man fishing from his chair. 

Not sure why we don't have any pictures of Liam but he was using the new kiddie kayaks like a pro!  They paddled up and down the shore line while Alex and I swam beside them.

It's a good day when the kiddies are asleep on the way home!  We had a wonderful day of doing nothing but having fun!

I plan to do the same thing tomorrow to celebrate Canada Day!!!

So to all my Canadian Friends.   Happy Canada Day!

And to any American's out there.  Have a Happy 4th of July!!

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